Greyborn emerged in 2021, from the small gap between light and darkness, somewhere in the damp and mineral cold of Limoges, France. Led by a drummer singer, the band crafts its own balance, sculpts its own raw materials: crushing heaviness, contemplative violence, epic melodies, hypnotic atmospheres sometimes bleak, sometimes radiant. ‘Leeches’, their first EP released in 2022, led them through 30 concerts around France with Mondo Generator, Nebula, My Diligence, Pogo Car Crash Control, Giöbia, Temple Fang, W!zard, Witchfinder, Decasia… ‘Leeches’ and a second EP planned for 2024, ‘Scars’. Leeches and scars, weaving a timeline and a causality between the themes of these two EPs.
Matthieu Giordano from The Heavy Chronicles reviewed ‘Scars’, writing: ‘The trio’s music is getting more intense with the massive and dirty sound of this second EP. All heaviness and rage, more dislocated but still as refined, it’s Leeches’ gifted and careless little brother. More granular and much more in tune with its spontaneity and stoner origins, this second release turns all the knobs to 11.’ For fans of Mars Red Sky, Kadavar, Monolord.